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TWO HEADED (SWE), Eduardo Martinez & The Live Desires, Sailor Hawkins

March 14 @ 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Kurt Dräckesin (The Sewergrooves, The Royal Cream) ja Robert Erikssonin (The Hellacopters, etc.) muodostama duo TWO HEADED saapuu maaliskuussa 2025 kolmelle keikalle Suomeen!
Helsingissä Bar Loosessa perjantaina 14.3.2025 mukana ovat myös Eduardo Martinez & The Live Desires sekä Sailor Hawkins!
Ovet klo 20.00!
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Kurt & Robert first met each other in the mid-90s and they quickly discovered they both had similar musical influences and background. Between 1995 and 2000 they played together in The Sewergrooves and during that time recorded and released 2 albums, a mini-album plus a bunch of 7” vinyl singles on various underground labels. After extensive touring all over Scandinavia, Europe & USA Robert had to leave the band (due to even more extensive touring with The Hellacopters). Fast forward to 2015 when Robert joined Kurt in his other band The Royal Cream for a tour of Spain and now, after about zillion liters of water under the bridge, the stars have aligned and Kurt & Robert have once again joined their collective minds and spirit as the new duo TWO HEADED!
5 songs were quickly recorded with studio engineer Fred Estby (Dismember) in his studio Gutterview Recorders in Stockholm, Sweden. Kurt played acoustic guitar, bass & sang while Robert played the drums. The idea was to make simple and catchy songs, mostly acoustic, and record them in a traditional way. Timeless and not necessarily rooted in any of their past. The most important factor was to be spontaneous, have fun and let the songs, the playing and the melodies be in focus.
After the recording was completed the pandemic took hold of the world and when the world woke up again so did Kurt & Robert and they decided it was time to finish the recording. Nico Elgstrand (ex-Entombed, ex-Terra Firma etc) was hired to mix and make them come alive…and now finally the songs are ready to fly! As of now TWO HEADED are working on their debut full-length album, with an even more varied selection of songs. So keep your eyes and ears open, as always.
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Back in 1996, when legendary Finnish lead singer Claude from Smack (1982-1990) and The Fishfaces (1991-1996) passed away, Eduardo, back then singer of both The Flaming Sideburns + Jack Meatbeat & The U.G.S. – contributed to his farewell concert, held at Tavastia Club, and was later next year also asked to contribute on a farewell album “Leaving The Planet” (ZenGarden 1998) by The Fishfaces, which included the last two studio songs ever recorded by Claude. Eduardo ended up singing on five of the other album tracks, and became friends with the band´s drummer Jarkko Nikulainen plus guitar players Junza & Stone, all of who nowadays form The Live Desires. This line-up did a handful of album presentation shows starting in the very late nineties as The Fishfaces, although Eduardo did never officially join the band. It all came to an abrupt end when bass player – also last remaining Claude´s music writing partner – Saikki passed away in 2001.
While on holidays in Argentina, Eduardo recorded a whole second tribute album “Hyena Planet Bites On You” (Bourbon Rcds 2004 ) consisting this time of both Smack and The Fishfaces songs. Back in Finland after that , Eduardo with remaining Fishfaces guitar players and drummer, kept playing every now & then, making also low- key tribute gigs just for fun for over a decade – and under different names. First it was with “The Smackfaces” which included Jimi Sero on bass (ex- Smack). After Sero left, the band´s name metamorphosed to “The Live Desires” – inspired by Smack´s first ( & only on vinyl) official live album, “Live Desire”from 1986. Bass player Randall J. Planet joined the band in 2019, having recorded with Eduardo Martinez Gang before that.
“Smacked” tribute compilation album with bands from all over planet was released by French label Alive&Kickin’ in 2017. Eduardo appears here on three different line-ups, including The Flaming Sideburns.
In 2021 “SMACK” a book about Claude´s life & bands written by Jarkko Jokelainen, also drummer with The Flaming Sideburns was published in Finland. It generated more interest towards the music from both of Claude´s bands. ast August of 2024, Eduardo Martinez And The Live Desires was approached to fill for the empty slot left by The Dead Boys’ cancelled Europe visit, at the legendary Danish garage-rock festival Gutter Island. It proved to be a wise move, and the band has re-activated ever since then.
Eduardo Martinez & The Live Desires play mostly only The Fishfaces & Smack material.
The band has plans to record some new music in the future anyway.
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Sailor Hawkins on nimihahmon sooloprojekti, yhden miehen matka pöytälaatikkoon jääneiden sävellysten kanssa kodin lämmöstä maailman merille ja takaisin. Herra Hawkins toteuttaa itseään julkisesti joko muiden muusikoiden kanssa tai ihan ”up yours” – yksin, kitaraa harjaten.
Kysyttäessä Sailor Hawkins itse kuvailee materiaaliaan seuraavasti: ”Jos laitat Liam Gallagherin, Tobias Forgen, Jack Sparrown ja Dave Grohlin festaritelttaan juomaan port-viiniä viikoksi ja kuuntelemaan Ed Sheeranin koko tuotannon repeatilta, saatat päästä tilaan jossa näitä lauluja syntyy.”
Sailor Hawkins & The Manoverboard – 88 mph

Youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=MZ2LSB9WtfM


March 14
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm