Ladataan Tapahtumat

« Kaikki Tapahtumat

Benny Kayhko

24 lokakuun @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


”A tale as long as time. Growing pains and struggling to take action in life. Little bit of a pain in the ass but eager to fill out a creative void that in itself would guide to a much more fulfilling voyage of life. To achieve this wondrous realm of opportunity and growth, one needs to spend enough time with oneself and be messy for a little bit. Right?
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Anyway, my name is Benny Kayhko and making you feel something is my passion. Love, hate or something in between. Wistful hope and a nostalgia roadtrip to the most memorable neighbourhoods of the ol’ Memory Lane. I’ve been bullied, clobbered and left behind more than once and with the power of legendary cliches put into action I’ve pulled myself up from the boot straps and left the fires behind that I’ve been laying in for a decent chunk of my life.”


24 lokakuun
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm